OPINION: The real cost of fast fashion
By: Camille Cabagui

"It's time to think about who makes your clothes," says author Cabagui
With Fashion Revolution Day coming up on 24 April, it’s time to look at the conditions at clothing factories.
In 2013, 1133 people died and over 2500 were injured in the Rhana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh. The accident took place at a building which housed clothing factories making garments for brands like: Matalan, Mango and Primark. Nearly seven years on, what has changed?
There was a greater acknowledgement of the working conditions of those working in garment factories. According to NGO Sustain Your Style, the European parliament is using the term ‘slave labour’ to describe the working conditions at factories in Asia.
Still, there is very little that has changed. Workers are still paid the minimum wage which is around half the living wage. The average working hours for a garment worker is 96 hours per week, in factories which are unsafe. They could also be subject to verbal and even physical abuse to meet tight brand deadlines.
Bringing it closer to home, last month in Leicester, it was found that garment workers were allegedly being paid £3 an hour.
It’s time to really think about who makes the clothes on your back.
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