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A deep-dive into carbon offsetting, which many researchers claim will increase demand for guilt-free flying.

Joel Aberg
10 questions on the ENVIRONMENT
Test your knowledge in YOOTS' large quiz on the environment. Challenge your friends!

"Unsustainability is a load of rubbish"
UCL student Murni shares her perspective on living zero-waste and sustainable in London.

Camille Cabagui
The UK to plant 1.5bn trees by 2050 to become net-zero carbon emitters, on advice from climate board.

Joel Aberg
Young people lead vintage revolution: "Things will change"
Just as fast fashion was the great winner of the last decade, vintage clothing is the next big thing.

Joel Aberg
"With Fashion Revolution Day coming up, it's time to look at the conditions at clothing factories."

Camille Cabagui
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