"The very thing created to bring us together has become the exact thing driving us apart."

Grace Peek
"There may even be a greater similarity in what men and women want over time."

Camille Cabagui
In 2018, there were 28,000 cosmetic procedures in the UK, a significant rise from the year before.

Camille Cabagui
fact or fiction?
"Personally, I don't believe in horoscopes, but then again, I wouldn't. I'm a Gemini. So sceptical."

Sam Burrows
The London Games Festival team hopes to welcome around 100,000 people over ten days.

Camille Cabagui
Last year, around one in five aged 16-26 used cannabis in the UK, recent research has shown.

Sam Burrows
Joe Beard on opening for Ed Sheeran: "It was crazy, I was so caught up in the moment."

Sam Burrows
Comedy Club
The Comedy Club in Covent Garden opened in 2002 and has been awarded London's best.

Grace Peek
Test your knowledge in YOOTS' large quiz all that's lifestyle. Challenge your friends!

Did you know that only one in five people in the UK know the date? Here's the guide.

Grace Peek
"Campaigners argue that the way the government records statistics is skewed and inaccurate."

Sam Burrows