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Horoscopes, fact or fiction?

By: Sam Burrows

There is a documented trend of dyslexia being more common among summer babies

With our first-ever publication, Yoots is officially an Aries. Hardworking, full of vitality, curiosity, and a heightened sense of justice. #Relatable.

Broad, sweeping, almost exclusively positive statements about personality are for some reason very appealing to us.


Perhaps the idea of being part of something greater than ourselves, being understood and validated. Is the idea that the month that you are born affects your personality totally absurd? Behavioural analyst Leah Bates said: “I think it boils down to childhood and education.” Around 90% of Premier League footballers are born in September.


Leah suggests that children born in earlier months of the school year are advantaged. They’re generally more mature, smarter and physically able. They get the best opportunities and excel at school. They get used to being the best, and in physiological terms, this is massively beneficial for their future prospects.


Psychology graduate Sam Porsche said “Research revealed a trend of schizophrenics being more likely to be born in February…it wasn’t a huge correlation, but statistically undeniable.” Data showing these correlations aren’t contained to schizophrenics either. Research found the same for bipolar disorder, with late winter birthdays being more common.


There is even a documented trend of dyslexia being more common in summer babies. Although the research is a far stretch from being conclusive it does seem to re-enforce the idea that the month you’re born can impact personality. Personally, I don't believe in horoscopes, but then again, I wouldn't. I'm a Gemini, so I'm sceptical.

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