St George's Day 2020: Who is our patron saint?
By: Grace Peek

St. George's Day is on April 23 every year
It's St George's day next month!
23 April marks the death of our heroic patron saint. Did you know that only one in five people in the UK know the date? Here's everything you need to know about the man himself.
Contrary to popular belief, St George was not actually English. Born in Turkey in the 3rd century, he would later join the Roman Army. He became renowned for his bravery, and whilst serving under a pagan emperor he never lost his Christian faith.
"When the emperor started persecuting Christians, St George pleaded for their lives to be spared. He was then persecuted for his faith and tortured by the emperor he once fought for," said David Appleby, lecturer in British history, at the University of Nottingham.
"Saint George can be a role model for anyone," said Elizabeth Lloyd, secretary at the royal society of St. George. "he fought to keep his faith…fought for others to keep theirs. We need a little more of that today, a bit of faith, a bit of bravery."
St George is often associated with being the great dragon slayer. Legend claims he saved a Princess from Libya, who was to be sacrificed to an evil dragon.
"The story embodies good versus evil. He is associated with English chivalry, bravery, and honour," said Appleby.
"Whilst he didn't slay a dragon, his willingness to risk his life and retain his beliefs are seen as honourable and virtuous."
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